Ruben A. Hill Cigars is produced from the finest filler and binder leaves cultivated from Cuban seed and made in the Dominican Republic. The wrapper chestnut to mahogany color gives Ruben A. Hill its silky touch, aristocratic appearance, and truly full-bodied flavor.
Ruben A. Hill Cigars draws upon the knowledge and experience of the finest tobacco growers in the world. The long, slow process of growing, curing, fermentation, aging, and blending requires patience, time, and skill. Only the best crops of tobacco from vintage years are deemed suited for Ruben A. Hill Cigars.
Only the gifted cigar makers possess the skills needed to hand roll this unique cigar. After the cigars are hand rolled they rest in the cedar-lined holding room until the aging process is complete when the marriage of all the different tobaccos that make up the cigar takes place.
The painstaking, arduous process of creating these superior cigars, combined with the careful cultivation of the finest tobacco available, limits the number of Ruben A. Hill cigars that can be produced each year.
Use your cedar wrap to roast your cigar properly. Sit back and savor one of life’s most subtle and pleasurable moments. Enjoy the finest handmade cigars in the world
– The Ruben A. Hill.
Ruben A. Hill Premium Cigars are packaged and wrapped in cedar sleeves to facilitate aging, offer protection, and elevate their cigars’ luxurious presentation. Top connoisseurs appreciate the way Ruben A. Hill Premium Cigars cedar sleeves can influence the cigar’s taste.